Best Cathedrals, Churches & Catacombs in Madonie Mountains

Local Recommendations from our My Guide Sicily team

We just have to dedicate an extra-page to Sicily's cathedrals, churches and spooky catacombs.

The most stunning examples of Norman architecture are to be found in Monreale, Palermo and Cefalù - mighty cathedrals with splendid Byzantine gold ground mosaics. Catania and Randazzo boast religious buldings in the characteristic black and white style 'Barocco Etneo'. In Ragusa, Modica and Noto churches are Baroque, but so pompous and opulent you've never seen before. The catacombs in Syracuse, Savoca and Palermo will teach you the creeps, particularly the latter. Smaller children could be frightened. Messina features the most interesting example of a Byzantine church in Sicily, and Casalvecchio Siculo the unique church San Pietro e Paolo, a jewel of Byzantine, Norman and Arab architecture.